CS161: Homework 7 - Letter Matrix

    _    ____   ____ ___ ___
   / \  / ___| / ___|_ _|_ _|
  / _ \ \___ \| |    | | | |
 / ___ \ ___) | |___ | | | |
/_/ _ \_\____/_\____|___|___|
   / \  |  _ \_   _|         
  / _ \ | |_) || |           
 / ___ \|  _ < | |           
/_/   \_\_| \_\|_|


Summary: Create a two-dimensional character array, into which you place a pattern. This array is copied with modifications into another array, and both are printed.

Detailed Specification:

Create the two-dimensional array of characters, named a[][]. There must be at least 20 columns and 30 rows.

Initialize a[][] as follows:

Print this array a[][].

Next assign a[][] to another matrix b[][] but with the following modifications:

Print b[][].

Finally, print b[][] in reversed order of rows, so that an upside down A will result.