CS163 at CCUT Week 2: Linear Linked Lists

David Lu


Data Structures

In computer science, a data structure is a particular way of organizing data in a computer so that it can be used efficiently.

Over the next few weeks, we will look at the some basic data structures: the linear linked list and the binary search tree.

Topics to cover:


In 1976 Swiss computer scientist Niklaus Wirth (chief designer of the programming language Pascal) wrote an influential book titled Algorithms + Data Structures = Programs.

Algorithms + Data Structures = Programs

Algorithms and data structures are two fundamental topics in programming and they are closely related. We cannot learn about one without the other.

Run Time Complexity

Any time we discuss and algorithm, we should also discuss its run time complexity. Generally we want to choose the most efficient algorithm.

Big O is a special notation that allows us to express how quickly an algorithm grows.

Imagine we are writing a search algorithm to help a drone calculate where to land. Suppose we are trying to decide between a simple search and a binary search. The algorithm needs to be both correct and fast. Perhaps we only have 10 seconds to figure out where to land, otherwise the drone will be off course.

On one hand, binary search is faster. We know this. On the other hand, simple search is easier to write and there is less chance of bugs. How might we decide whether it's okay to go with simple search?

We might time both methods and see how they differ. So suppose we time both algorithms with a list of 100 elements. Assume it takes 1 millisecond to check one element. With simple search, we must check 100 elements in the worst case, so the search takes 100ms in the worst case. On the other hand, binary search only has to check 7 elements (log_2 100 is about 7), so the search takes 7ms.

More realistically, the search space might have a billion elements (1,000,000,000). How long will simple search take? And how long will binary search take?

Binary search on a billion elements takes about 32ms. (What's log_2 1,000,000,000?) How long do you think simple search will take?

Elements Simple cearch Binary search
100 100ms 7ms
10,000 10 seconds 14ms
1,000,000,000 11 days 32ms

As the size of the search space increases, the time it takes simple search increases faster than binary search!

Algorithm efficiency is not measured in terms of seconds. Algorithm efficiency is measured in terms of growth.


In computer science, a list or sequence is an abstract data type that represents a countable number of ordered values, where the same value may occur more than once.

An instance of a list is a computer representation of the mathematical concept of a finite sequence.

A list can also be defined inductively:

A list is either empty or it is an item followed by a list.

Linear Linked List

In computer science, a linked list is a linear collection of data elements, called nodes, each pointing to the next node by means of a pointer.

It is a data structure consisting of a group of nodes which together represent a sequence.

In a simple linear linked list, each node is composed of a piece of data and a reference (in other words, a link) to the next node in the sequence.


Linked Lists are among the simplest and most common data structures because it allows for efficient insertion or removal of elements from any position in the sequence.

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Compare to Arrays

It is important to understand that a linked list is different than an array. Linked lists are not indexed and does not support arbitrary access.

Do you recall what an array is and how arrays work?

What are the benefits of arrays versus linked lists?

What are the benefits of linked lists versus arrays?

Time Complexity

Time complexity for Linear Linked List:

Access Search Insert Delete
O(n)\mathcal{O}(n) O(n)\mathcal{O}(n) O(1)\mathcal{O}(1) O(1)\mathcal{O}(1)

Basic Operations

Abstract Data Type (ADT)

Code Basics

To implement a linear linked list in C++, we need to understand a few C++ concepts.

We can use a struct or a class to define each node inductively.

  struct node
    int data;
    node* next;

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Let's keep things simple and consider linear linked lists of integers.

A basic operation for lists is to put something on the list. If our list is written on paper, we just find a place to write our item down. If our list is in markdown, we can do this:

  1. First item
  2. Second item

What is the algorithm for insertion in a linear linked list?

  def insert(head, data):
    if head is empty:
      head <- data
      insert(head.next, data)

What will this do?

Insertion location

Should we insert at the front, back, or middle of the list?

What are the algorithms to do these?


Another basic operation is to remove something from the list. Remember in C++ we need to free the memory that we allocated.

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You should have seen how to traverse the linear linked list by looping. Perhaps you've seen code that looks like this:

  node* temp = head;
  while(temp != NULL)
    //Do stuff
    temp = temp->next;


Since a list is a recursive data type, it makes sense to make use of recursion in programming operations on lists.

Recursion is a tool a programmer can use to invoke a function call on itself.

Recursive programming is directly related to mathematical induction.
In recursive programming we need two things:

Consider the pseudocode to add an item at the end of a linear linked list.


  def addLast(item):
    if head = None:
      head <- new node(item)
      node temp <- head
      while temp.next != None:
        temp <- temp.next
      temp.next <- new node(item)


  def addLast(head, item):
    if head = None:
      head <- new node(item)
      addLast(head->next, item)

Let's try in C++ together.

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An operation we may be interested in doing on lists is to find whether an item is in a list or not. This is called search.

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Another operation we may be interested in performing on lists is to sort it. We called this sort.

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Practice Programming

If you want to learn how to program, you must practice. Programming is a skill, not something that can just be memorized. Like any skill, you must practice to get good.

There are many websites that have environments set up so that you can practice programming.

Here are two examples that you can try:

Populating a random list to practice with in C++

Alternatively, you can program from scratch and practice.

There are some useful functions in the C++ standard library to generate random numbers.
We will need to include two libraries: ctime and cstdlib.

We need the ctime library to "seed" the peudo random number generator. The cstdlib library contains a pseudo random number generator function.

  #include <ctime>
  #include <cstdlib>


  // To seed the PRNG:
  srand(time(NULL)); // Do this only once!

  // To get a random number from 0 to 100:
  int num = rand() % 101;

So we may have a loop to insert some number of random numbers into our list to practice with.
For example:

  for(int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
    list.insert(rand() % 101);
    // Or insert(head, rand() % 101); if we do not have a class.

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Practice with Linear Linked Lists

Given a linear linked list aa print aa in reverse order.

Example: aa = 3->2->4->5
Output of print(aa): 5->4->2->3

Compare two Lists

Given two linear linked lists aa and bb, return true if they are the same list. (Order and values matter)

Reverse a linear linked list

Given a linear linked list aa return aa with its items in reverse order

Sorted copy

Given a linear linked list aa, return a sorted list ss such taht ss contains the same values as aa

Example: Given 4->9->2->3->2, return 2->2->3->4->9

Delete duplicate

Given a sorted linear linked list, delete duplicates from the list.

For example, if given 1->2->2->3->3->3->4, the resulting list should be 1->2->3->4.

Merge two sorted linear linked lists

Given sorted linear linked lists aa and bb, return a sorted linear linked list cc that contains all elements from aa and bb

Example: aa = 2->3->4->6, bb = 1->3->7
cc = 1->2->3->3->4->6->7

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